
Forum memberships

Memberships in the Afro-Asian Business Forum represent a valuable opportunity for companies, institutions, and individuals in the fields of entrepreneurship and trade. These memberships provide a supportive network that promotes collaboration and interaction, offering support and opportunities for development and growth. Below is an introduction to the memberships:

Types of memberships


  1. Corporate Membership: This membership offers companies and institutions the opportunity to benefit from the services and programs of the Afro-Asian Business Forum. Benefits include access to strategic partnership opportunities, commercial cooperation with other members, and communication with a diverse range of industries and sectors.

  2. Institutional Membership: This membership targets non-profit organizations, universities, academic institutions, and other entities working in sustainable development and innovation fields. Membership provides opportunities for collaboration, knowledge exchange, and expertise sharing to achieve common developmental, economic, and social goals.

  3. Individual Membership: This membership provides entrepreneurs, investors, and business professionals the opportunity to communicate, learn, and exchange experiences and knowledge. Individual membership contributes to the development of professional and personal skills, enhancing opportunities for success and prosperity in entrepreneurship and innovation.

Benefits of Joining the Afro-Asian Business Forum:

  • Providing official support for companies and members by publishing their data on social media platforms and the forum’s website, increasing their digital presence and making it easier for members to reach a wider audience.

  • Benefiting from conferences, seminars, and workshops organized by the forum, which provide opportunities for learning and networking with other members in the field.

  • Granting discounts to forum members on the fees of events organized by the forum, helping them save costs and increase networking and collaboration opportunities.

  • Benefiting from free publication of members’ news and activities on the Afro-Asian Business Forum’s electronic platform and its social media channels, contributing to transparency and increasing awareness of their activities.

  • The right to attend general assembly meetings and participate in decision-making and voting on items up for discussion, giving members a voice in directing the work and making important decisions.


Corporate Membership

Forum membership for companies is a distinct and supportive option aimed at enhancing the performance of member companies in various economic sectors. This is achieved by focusing on thought leadership and providing the best opportunities for communication and collaboration with leading companies in the field and support sectors.

Membership aims to stimulate innovation and support sustainability in key economic sectors such as industry, trade, health, safety, environment, and innovation through globally recognized programs and events.

Institutional Membership

Institutional Membership in Afro-Asian Forum is a unique opportunity for institutions seeking to support and enhance entrepreneurship at the African and Asian levels.

This membership aims to unify efforts and promote innovation and economic development in the concerned regions by providing institutions with the opportunity to communicate and collaborate with profit and non-profit organizations, including universities, organizations, academies, and others working in the fields of sustainable development and entrepreneurship.

Individual Membership

Individual membership in the Afro-Asian Forum represents a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs, investors, businessmen, and businesswomen. This type of membership is characterized by providing the necessary support to enhance the effectiveness of its members in their respective fields of expertise.

Individual membership also aims to unify efforts, enhance collaboration, and exchange experiences among members, with the goal of developing their projects and achieving success in various entrepreneurial fields.

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