Forum bodies

Forum bodies

The forum’s bodies are formed by a group of councils comprising members with extensive expertise in entrepreneurship. Each body plays a vital role in developing and achieving the forum’s goals and vision in supporting entrepreneurship and sustainable development. Here is a description of these bodies

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees for the Afro-Asian Business Forum is a supreme body tasked with making vital decisions and guiding the forum's overall policies. This board consists of a group of distinguished and qualified members representing various economic and social sectors concerned with entrepreneurship in the Afro-Asian region

Council of Experts and Advisors

It includes experts and specialists in various fields of entrepreneurship such as marketing, finance, innovation, and project management, providing advice and consultation in implementing programs and projects for the forum.

Council of experts and trainers

It consists of a team of experts in delivering training sessions and workshops in the field of entrepreneurship. They work on developing educational and training programs to enhance the skills of forum members and the entrepreneurial community.

Regional representative council

The council consists of members representing the forum in the member countries of the forum. It works on guiding policies and programs to support entrepreneurship in the region. This committee comprises representatives from various sectors, including business, government, academia, and civil society, ensuring a diverse perspective on issues related to entrepreneurship and sustainable development.

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